Spanish verbs
There’s a reason why Spanish verbs drive even the most diligent students crazy. The tenses in Spanish take some getting used to. Our Tables and Tips will help you to use verbs like a native speaker.
Other grammar topics:
Here you will find important aspects of Spanish grammar explained, such as articles, gender, plurals, pronouns, and more. Any grammar topic can be quickly understood if it is presented in a clear and visual way. Our simple explanations and tables will help you become an expert in Spanish.
What is grammar? Grammar are rules that help us combine words to meaningful sentences. When talking about Spanish grammar, we usually mean such concepts as verb tenses, gender and number of nouns, rules for using articles, pronouns, adjectives, etc. When learning a language, it is not enough to know only individual words, you need to know exactly how to use them in a sentence, so you need to be able to conjugate verbs, know case forms of pronouns and other grammatical rules. Memorizing grammar becomes much easier when it is presented in tables and illustrated with examples.