Texts to learn Spanish with audio

Spanish texts with audio
Texts in Spanish with english translation and professional audio

Texts for all levels with audio: All Spanish students need to read to be able to learn and improve. As you can see, our texts are classified by levels, so you can choose the most appropriate level for your knowledge of Spanish. In addition, they all include professional audio recorded by native Spanish speakers. This way you can practice your listening as you read the texts.

Do you want to read texts in Spanish? From day one, you must get used to reading. When we learn a foreign language, it is fundamental to practice with texts as they help us improve our vocabulary. If you are a beginner, you will find a list of texts with basic vocabulary. Read and listen the same text several times and you will notice the results. If your level of Spanish is intermediate or advanced, you will find some very interesting texts with which you will improve your vocabulary and grammar.

Find Spanish stories with vocabulary games and exercises on www.esidioma.com (interactive ebooks with texts and access to online campus)

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