Future tenses – part 1: Futuro simple

Grammar: Spanish verbs

Future tenses – part 1: Futuro simple

Simple Future is used to express almost any action in the near or distant future. This tense is formed by adding (to the infinitive form) the following endings (the endings are the same for all conjugation types, i.e. ar-, -er, -ir):

Pronoun hablar (talk, speak)
yo hablaré
él, ella, usted hablará
nosotros hablaremos
vosotros hablaréis
ellos, ustedes hablarán

When to use Futuro Simple?

Simple future tense is used to express future actions as well as to express assumptions. Remember the following situations:

  1. actions that we are going to perform in the future:
  2. Mañana terminaré el trabajo. I’ll finish the job tomorrow.
    Te llamaré la semana que viene. I’ll call you next week.

  3. assumptions about the future:
  4. Elena no vendrá a la hora. Elena won’t come on time.
    El tiempo será bueno. The weather will be nice.

  5. assumptions about the present:
  6. Ahora tu madre estará cansada. Your mother must be tired now.
    Tus hijos ya serán enormes. Your children must be huge already.

Some verbs change their root and have irregular forms in the simple future. Please note that it is the root that changes, not the endings:

“e” disappears the middle syllable disappears “d” appears
querer ⇒ querr (querré, querrás…) hacer ⇒ har (haré, harás…) poner ⇒ pondr (pondré, pondrás…)
haber ⇒ habr (habré, habrás…) decir ⇒ dir (diré, dirás…) venir ⇒ vendr (vendré, vendrás…)
saber ⇒ sabr (sabré, sabrás…)   tener ⇒ tendr (tendré, tendrás…)
poder ⇒ podr (podré, podrás…)   salir ⇒ saldr (saldré, saldrás…)
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